Meeting, conference and training room
Design of a bespoke meeting room
Our experience in fitting out meeting, conference and training rooms allows us to offer a wide range of services. We create both modular installations with mobile tables and tailor-made layouts to adapt to the dimensions of your room and your particular constraints. These are work spaces integrating acoustics, aesthetics and ergonomics. We take these notions into account in the design and production of tailor-made facilities.

Tailor-made meeting room for your presentations, conferences and brainstorming
There meeting room is a collaborative and decompartmentalized work space, for sharing and exchange, which is part of your company's strategic locations. There is no typical meeting room but tailor-made meeting rooms adapted to different uses. Because the creativity and collaboration of your teams must emerge there, Pause Mobilier emphasizes the comfort and ergonomics of your meeting room. The requested concentration requires indeed furniture and seats adapted to the duration of the meetings.
The dimensions of a meeting room are variable, depending in particular on its use and the number of people to be accommodated, but also, for example, on the presence or absence of a projection screen. We offer you tailor-made layouts for any type of use, presentation meeting, videoconference and audioconference, brainstorming meeting or workshop type meeting.
Our experience at your disposal, you will avoid the pitfalls that can quickly hinder the progress of your meetings : spaces not adapted to the number of participants for a presentation, the use of a meeting room classic for a workshop which presents limits, the non-respect of the rules in terms of equipment and layout in a videoconference room...
To ensure an effective presentation, it is often essential to equip your meeting room with a projection system. Pause Mobilier also supports you in choosing, according to your needs, the equipment that suits the size of the room and the number of participants.
We also anticipate the electrical and network connections at meeting tables to power equipment such as laptops. Our made-to-measure furniture integrates the wiring, for example under the top or even in the base. It is also important to take the time to define together the location of power outlets and access to the computer network in the room to be fitted out. Pause Mobilier also offers the installation of sound systemsdepending on the size of your meeting room. We are also specialized in insulation and soundproofing sparsely furnished rooms so that participants can speak without having to scream. We install soundproofing materials for walls, floors and ceilings.
Our facilities are modular to create convivial spaces and encourage the creativity of your collaborators, but also to create essential circulation spaces during meetings whose duration is important so that participants can move around without creating discomfort for others.
We also design the presentation room lighting, which must provide good visibility for the video projections and allow notes to be taken in the best conditions. Finally, Pause Mobilier offers to equip your meeting rooms with ventilation systems ensuring good air renewal in confined or poorly ventilated spaces.
Customized training room : a real strategic and economic advantage
Is your company one of those who opt for the continuous training of its employees ? have its own training room is a real strategic and economic advantage to constantly have trained personnel, especially with the rapid development of new technologies. Before setting up your meeting room, Pause Mobilier takes the time with you to ask the right questions : what surface area can you dedicate to your training room ? How many people should be able to be accommodated and trained there ? Types of uses ? What is the course of your training ? Depending on these prerequisites, we will advise you on the best solutions to answer your questions about ergonomics and management of equipment and IT.
A training room is necessarily equipped with appropriate, ergonomic, resistant furniture capable of integrating various equipment and mainly computers. Ergonomics is one of the key points for the success of your training. Participants will be all the more attentive and concentrated if the training furniture is comfortable. Pause Mobilier offers you made-to-measure layouts designed with quality materials, robust and resistant over time to various stresses. If you opt for a multi-purpose training room, it is essential to arrange it in a modular way, with computer furniture that will allow you to optimize the available space and use it for multiple applications.
We install custom furniture in many arrangements, to properly arrange your spaces but mainly to respect the functions that your training room will serve : presentations, workshops, workshops, meetings… The most frequent layouts are the ideal classroom layout for computer training, the U-shaped layout for conferences and to promote interactivity between the participants and the trainer, the layout at a meeting table for presentations or to reduce trainer movements, installation in islands for workshops or for small training rooms.
The material is also a very important notion for the success of your training. Indeed, even if it may seem logical, the problems linked to computer equipment and video projection equipment represent a significant waste of time in companies. Finally, Pause Mobilier takes care of the lighting and decoration of your training spaces for your image as well as for the effectiveness of the training.