Interior layout and bespoke furniture
As a master cabinetmaker, we are able to offer you the most suitable layout and furniture for your project. From the creation of a unique piece to the layout of your complete interior, the unlimited variety of materials and finishes that we offer allows you to achieve what you dream of...
Custom furniture, solid wood furniture, 3D design, cupboards & dressing rooms, bathrooms, furniture under the ramp, kitchens, offices, libraries, renovation of old furniture, prototypes and design objects...
Our areas of expertise
Tailor-made bedroom
...which will make you feel in a cocoon, from bedtime until you wake up...
Turnkey bathroom
...let yourself go as you please, with your feet in the water...
Custom dressing room
...make your dreams come true, your wardrobe will fit you like a glove...
Custom closet
...made-to-measure is the only solution for perfectly adapted furniture...
Custom sliding door
...an innovative "à la carte" offer opening up endless decorative possibilities...
Custom-made furniture under the ramp
...highlight atypical curves, slopes, or complex angles...
Miscellaneous layout
...let your creativity express itself according to your needs and desires...
Furniture renovation
...we restore shine and youth to old furniture, while respecting...