Custom-made, modular and durable closet and storage
Custom storage design
Pause furniture offers you to arrange your interiors with real storage spaces that allow you to easily and intelligently access your belongings. Made-to-measure is also the only solution for furniture with dimensions that are perfectly adapted to the available spaces and to your preferences in terms of colors and shapes. We also advise you on the multitude of tips and accessories available to save you time and space in your cupboards.

Made-to-measure cupboards and storage make your daily life easier
We all have the annoying tendency to accumulate objects, clothes, bazaar... Proper tidying up is an art that requires reflection, Pause Mobilier supports you in your storage projects arrangement of cupboards and other storage furniture to put an end to clutter, clothes lying around in the living room and other pairs of shoes accumulating in the entrance. Welet's optimize the spacesdepending on the size of your room. It is advisable to favor high storage in a small room. We also recommend the type of storage that corresponds to the nature of your room to be fitted out.
Pause Mobilier guides you according to your storage habits and your daily activity : towards the shelf if you prefer clothes to fold, towards the wardrobe if you prefer shirts, trousers or suits. We also design our custom storage depending on the size and age of the person. We rather make storage in height for young people and in width for older people.
Customized storage : modular, durable and scalable
Choose between storage onmeasure open or closed ! In a open cupboard, your clothes or your kitchen utensils become real decorative elements and are displayed as in a shop window. We suggest you play the card of color or texture to highlight your open layout and dissociate it from its environment, or vice versa to make it more discreet. For a closed custom cabinet, a multitude of choices of style of doors and handles is offered to you. In a small area with little setback, sliding doors are often more suitable and allow better organization of your space. For larger rooms, we also offer hinged, folding and drop-down doors. We facilitate the opening of your tailor-made layouts with opening and closing systems with or without handles. Our drawers and cupboard doors also open effectively without handles by simple pressure, an aesthetic system because it is invisible and practical in addition.
To think that a closet is basic in nature is a mistake, it can be customizable and modular. Choice of doors and handles as seen above, multitude of accessories available, height of shelves, drawers and open niches, Pause Mobilier creates your custom storage according to your needs and desires : telescopic wardrobe or sliding that allows you to pull the linen towards you, fully opening drawer for complete visibility of the contents in depth, mobile shelf or fixed shelf for your objects, books and decorations, integrated lighting and dedicated to furniture...
Pause Mobilier designs storage scalable and sustainable. The modularity of our layouts and the quality of the materials we offer are a good option for furniture " à vie ", which you can change over time. .